Whooping Cough Wolf!




“Aww, doesn’t the baby look sweet…and tender?”

So you might think that the wolf was thinking in an edgy current public service health commercial about the dangers of whooping cough exposure for infants.  In the Big Bad Cough spot, a couple is taking their infant child to visit a grandmother, who transforms from human to lupine right before our eyes!  This is supposed to represent the hidden danger posed by whooping cough, carried by the unwary grandmother.  Pertussis is a spreadable disease especially dangerous to young children, and the commercial draws upon the classic Red Riding Hood tale.

Now wolves tend to generally get a bad press, representing nothing positive.  The Red Riding Hood story has been reworked and re-told a variety of ways, but I’ve always felt somewhat sympathetic towards wolves, and the notion of a wolf in bed wearing a grandmother’s clothing is not without its comic elements, at least in my twisted mind. Perhaps the wolf rather enjoyed the cross-dressing…at any rate, he deserved better than being axed to death by a woodman!  In one revisionist kiddie literature version, the story is re-told from the wolf’s perspective…now that’s entertainment!

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3 Comments on “Whooping Cough Wolf!”

  1. carycomic Says:

    Steven Spielberg evidently got a chuckle from the mental of a tranvestite wolf, as well. Considering he had one appear in all four SHREK movies! As to this ad? I haven’t seen it, yet. But, the general premise sounds awfully similar to that asthma medication ad, where this grandfather is reading the story of the 3 Little Pigs to his four year-old grandson. And, the kid remarks that the wolf huffs and puffs just like him (meaning Grandpa)!

    Btw: true story, here! When my younger sister was four years-old, I used to tell her my own updated version of the 3 Little Pigs. Wherein, they didn’t boil him to death in oil.

    They simply blew him away with hunting rifles. X-D


    • vulpesffb Says:

      A tranvestite wolf is more to be pitied than feared, and guys in drag have long been a comedy staple. I’ve seen the “grandpa wolf with asthma” spot, and like the wolf family portrayal!

      Your closing to the Three Little Pigs is more merciful to the wolf concerned, and less gruesome!


  2. carycomic Says:

    Hey! it was the early Seventies, and DIRTY HARRY imitations were all the rage.


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