The Orangina “Cat…”


— In France and elsewhere, a soft drink is sold called Orangina.  A memorable commercial was made for the product in 2010 which featured a CGI-generated anthropomorphic male cougar who liked the product so much that the big cat applied it to his face following shaving like lotion to soften his skin.  As the viewer is wondering why a cougar shaves or why a soft drink has skin applications, a bare-chested human male enters the scene who approaches the cougar, and shares, shall we say, a tender moment with him…

…yes, cross-species same-sex attraction! — Ah. those French are such sly dogs, are they not…or perhaps I should say, cats? — Meow!

Explore posts in the same categories: absurdities, animals, anthropomorphic, furry, furry commercials, strange, television

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2 Comments on “The Orangina “Cat…””

  1. carycomic Says:

    What do you want to bet he dumps Xavier Cougar the first time he LAYS eyes on Chester Cheetah?*

    *Yes, that’s just a pun on the snack company!


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