Geico “Hump Day” Camel Commercial…

camel– – Camels haven’t figured in commercials much since the days of tobacco pitchman Joe Camel, who was, it must be admitted, extremely cool.  Now at last we have an anthropomorphic camel figuring in a Geico commercial, who parades around an office interrupting and distracting workers by happily asking them what day it is.  The answer to the dromedary’s query is that it’s Wednesday, also known as hump day.  Our two amiable musical hosts then appear, one asking us how happy people are that save hundreds of dollars on car insurance; the answer is that they’re happier than a camel on Wednesday…

The camel is gleefully upbeat, moves with graceful realism, and just might lead the way to a camel revival in American advertising.- – As an expression made famous in advertising days of yore said, I’d walk a mile for this camel!

Explore posts in the same categories: animal presence, animal spokepersons, animals, anthropomorphic, furry, furry commercials, television

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4 Comments on “Geico “Hump Day” Camel Commercial…”

  1. carycomic Says:

    I’d walk _two_ miles for the foxy hottie in the glasses. ;-D


  2. Don Brown Says:

    What is the last thing the camel says? It sounds like “OCTAVIA”


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