Bigfoot of Central Kentucky: Squalling Savage


At the end of the previous episode of Mountain Monsters, the youngest member of the AIMS team, Buck, had relayed during the credits that something was wrong with team leader Trapper, who had been taken to the hospital for an unspecified but serious ailment.  At the beginning of this episode, the five remaining team members visited Trapper at home, where it was disclosed that he had suffered a blood clot in his leg, and underwent emergency surgery.  We actually got to see Trapper for the first time without his hat, revealing his balding head.  Trapper also revealed that at their previous Kentucky encampment in pursuit of the Midnight Whistler (not to be confused with the Midnight Rambler, a great Rolling Stones song) , he had taken a sample of reddish hair and procured a large footprint impression too large to have belonged to that smaller Bigfoot type.  

The Bigfoot variant who was the subject of S4/Ep02 was called the Squalling Savage (- -poetry, eh?), and was felt to stand about 8-1/2 feet tall, weigh 600 – 800 lbs., and be capable of climbing trees.  His type was first sighted in the 1600’s by Native Americans.  The Midnight Whistler and Squalling Savage Bigfoot subtypes were essentially felt to occupy the same environment of central Kentucky, competing for dominance there.  While in pursuit of the Midnight Whistler in an earlier episode, team members had heard the growling of the Savage, which was atypical for the Whistler.  

Prior to their first night’s hunt, the five team members met with Steve, a trail guide contracted by Trapper to guide the men close to the site of their previous encounter.  While the guide was reluctant to go fully to the exact location, by his directions the team was able to proceed, and found that first night a previously-seen nest of the Midnight Whister in addition to hearing the growls of the newly sought Squalling Savage.  The next day, team members Willy and “Wild Bill” built an elevated tree trap into which they planned to lure the Savage by mimicking the sounds of his rival, the Whistler.  A second meeting with their somewhat reluctant trail guide Steve brought his admission that he and a friend had a previous encounter with the Savage while hunting, and a cell phone video was produced revealing an intrusion by some kind of large growling thing, with a whistle having been used to lure it that proved unexpectedly effective.

On their final night’s hunt, Buck in an off-road vehicle was to initially flush the Squalling Savage out, passing him then into a relay where other members further along the route would further lure the Bigfoot with whistles, finding sanctuary in “spider hole” covered excavations while the Bigfoot passed safely by them. – – Well, the best laid plans of mice and men, as Bobby Burns would say, can come to naught.  A tree was thrown at Buck’s vehicle, a second tree later blocked his path, and Huckleberry’s spider hole cover was rudely torn off by the crafty cryptid, causing said monster hunter to beat a hasty retreat.  Willy abandoned his post at the trap to support his companion, and it was pretty much of a route by then.  As usual, no Bigfoot was trapped…but Huckleberry did relate that the Bigfoot he briefly sighted was of yet a third type from either the Whistler or Savage varieties.  

That’s right, three apparent Bigfoot species for the price of one, all in central Kentucky!  The five AIMS members who had worked this outing conceded that they had been a little rusty without their leader, but resolved to get back on the case, and hunt another one…hunting and actually catching one being entirely different things!

Explore posts in the same categories: animals, anomalies, anthropomorphic, cryptozoology, television, unexplained, unidentified

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5 Comments on “Bigfoot of Central Kentucky: Squalling Savage”

  1. carycomic Says:

    Hmmmmm! First off; let me just say that, initially, “Squalling Savage” (which is alliteration, btw) and “Midnight Whistler” sound more like a WWE tag team.

    Secondly; maybe that’s why nobody claimed responsibility for making off with the “Stonish Giant” of Harrison County, Ohio. He was rescued by these two, who brought him to “Old Caintuck!”


  2. carycomic Says:

    A-ha! So you _can_ respond immediately when you want to. You’re just getting choosy about which of my droll quips is _worthy_ of such rapid response!

    Wise decision. 😉


    • vulpesffb Says:

      Sometimes, it’s just a matter of timing, whether I have access to a device and a connection, plus privacy and free time. On other occasions, you leave me…speechless! But as chief and usually sole commentator, your sage and often witty comments are always welcome, and for a long time more people subscribed to the comments than to the blog itself, which tells you something!


  3. I wanna know what that third kind of big foot is please. I live in Kentucky, in Owensboro, and I have seen a big foot live and in person first-hand. I know now that they do exist. They can sometimes live near you within the city. They are moving into our territory and it is only a matter of time before something happens to somebody or our pets. I have a feeling it will first start out with our pets and then us humans.I was fortunate to see one and survive it. I am still trying to figure out which big foot I saw that is why I wanna know what the third kind of big foot is and what it looks like, etc. I want to be informed. I wanna know what all I can please. I hear ya Huck on what ya seen and it bein lighter colored. lemme know what kind please. My email is please contact me. I appreciate it. Thank you.


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