Still Lovin’ Vintage SyFy Movies…

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3 Comments on “Still Lovin’ Vintage SyFy Movies…”

  1. I’ve never seen this! It seems to have influenced Carnosaur (1993).

    Liked by 2 people

    • carycomic Says:

      Of course, we must never forget the biggest influencer of all. Willis O’Brien! The stop-motion pioneer who gave us the silent film adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Lost World.” And, of course, the 1933 classic KING KONG.

      I wonder how many people ever stopped to realize that his fights with the T-rex, the plesiosaur, and the pteranodon were supposed to represent Kong’s mastery over land, sea, and air (at least, on Skull Island)?

      Liked by 2 people

      • carycomic Says:

        Of course, there is always an opposite extreme. Take, for example, THE LAND THAT TIME FORGOT. The Doug McClure vehicle (very loosely based on the eponymous ERB novel) which featured rubber-suited dinosaurs that make even the corniest of the Showa-era Toho daikaiju flicks look like Oscar nominees for Best Picture!


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