Michael Jackson’s Halloween…

This year brought the novelty of a new Halloween special in the form of Michael Jackson’s Halloween, a 3D animated hour-long special which aired on CBS October 27th, and featured the music of…Michael Jackson!  While centering on the efforts of two young people to rescue a dog and defeat an evil witch (Conformity) who wants to banish music and dancing, the high point of the hour to me occurred about seventeen minutes in when the two protagonists guided by a talking Bubbles the Chimp to “follow the music” entered a surreal pumpkin field where Hay Man, a groundskeeping scarecrow with a pumpkin for a head voiced by Jim Parsons (Sheldon from Big Bang Theory), was kind of channeling Michael Jackson in a Jack Skellington-esque way…

With an entourage of dancing pumpkins and forest and field animals (including some foxes), a rather funky rendition of Jackson’s Dangerous was performed, complete with Jackson’s trademark moves and even a pelvic thrust or two.  Also memorable was a later encounter with a mad scientist cat voiced by Dietrich Bader, Franklin Stein, creator of a machine to destroy music but really a frustrated musician himself whose technology becomes converted to summon Jackson.  And fear not, the evil witch (Lucy Liu) is defeated in a big dance finale by a stylized representation of 1980’s Michael Jackson himself in an outfit reminiscent of his Thriller attire.  Music and dancing are safe, so relax…

Jackson enjoyed both scary things and animals, and his presence looms large over this special, both in terms of the soundtrack and assorted images of the performer, seen even in the wallpaper pattern of the mysterious Jackson Street Palace Hotel where much of the action transpires.  As someone who appeared in quirky delights such as Disney’s Captain EO and Moonwalker, Michael probably would have liked this “magical adventure of personal discovery,” and we foxes do like to get our groove on!




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3 Comments on “Michael Jackson’s Halloween…”

  1. carycomic Says:

    Interesting! I’ll have to see if that’s on CBS ON-DEMAND. Although, personally, the most groan-worthy pun I ever heard (re: the family name of the world’s most notorious monster-maker) was the secret identity of indie-comic superhero Mad Man.

    Reanimated by a scientist who was not so much mad as eccentrically well-meaning, he was given a new name. The first name based on a certain blue-eyed crooner who used to run with Dean Martin and Sammy Davis, Jr. And the surname based on the world’s most famous nuclear physicist. I refer, of course, to…

    Frank Einstein.


    • vulpesffb Says:

      Now that’s a creative if somewhat painful secret identity story! I would ‘t be surprised if CBS didn’t re-run Michael Jackson’s Halloween, and snippets or the entirety of it will probably be available on the net. I found it somewhat in the tradition of Tim Burton’s “The Nightmare Before Xmas,” and one gets tired of “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.”


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