Of Mummified Alien Corpses…

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8 Comments on “Of Mummified Alien Corpses…”

  1. Jaime Maussan has a long history of hoaxing. These “bodies” are several years old and were tested back then. Some kind of x-ray analysis. They do look like papier mache. Surprisingly, there are “skeletons” inside. I watched a video explaining how the bones are mismatched, some are backward, and the skull is a modified sheep’s (or similar animal, I can’t recall) skull.

    Lately, I tend to agree with John Keel’s theory that UFO/alien sightings are staged occurences/manifestations tailored to our cultural beliefs in a game of misdirection being played by higher energy beings.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Bunny Bird Says:

    I could tell that “alien corpse” was fake from a mile away. Also I feel like aliens irl would be NOTHING like the stereotypical pop culture depictions.

    Liked by 2 people

    • carycomic Says:

      Well, perhaps not almond-eyed grays. But, what about quasi-energy beings (similar to the Vorlons of BABYLON 5 outside their heavy encounter suits)?


      • Bunny Bird Says:

        I don’t know what that is.


        • carycomic Says:

          BABYLON 5 was a syndicated s-f series in the late Nineties that was sort of like STAR TREK: TOS meets CASABLANCA. It’s creator was a writer/producer named J. Michael Stracynzski. And it ran successfully enough, for five seasons, that it led to a number of TV-movie sequels and a one-season spin-off series. The Vorlons were a sort of elder race. Imagine DC’s Guardians of the Universe wearing these big clunky encounter suits as disguises to hide a semi-angelic appearance!

          Liked by 1 person

  3. carycomic Says:

    Pssst! Confidential movie alert: Pay-per-view On Demand is now offering a “Mother Nature Run-amok” horror spoof called SLOTHERHOUSE. And, according to the one trailer I’ve seen so far, a college co-ed running for sorority house president on a “green ticket” decides to make a rescued three-toed sloth the house mascot. Unfortunately, the one she buys was not rescued; it was poached from the Amazon Rain Forest! Sinister things ensue.

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