Zoe Kravitz as “Catwoman…”

I have to say that I was not overly taken by the new “ The Batman” movie. The film was long, dark, and gritty, about as far removed from previous comic-inspired interpretations as it could be. Neither Robert Pattinson’s Batman nor Paul Dino’s Riddler were as I conceived of them to be, especially with the Riddler portrayed as a creepy serial killer. I rather liked Colin Farrell’s Penguin, although we didn’t get to see enough of him in the film…

Zoe Kravitz’s Catwoman, however, worked, as did her chemistry with Batman. This Catwoman is lithe and feline without excessive costuming, and brings a convincing kinetic grace to the role. She’s very much at home on a motorcycle, and while Batman can counter her in physical tussles, she’s more than a match for anyone else. There are layers to this Catwoman including bisexuality, and she’s neither an obvious villainess nor heroic, but rather somewhere in between in the process of becoming herself.- – I like that!

It pains me to read that Zoe Kravitz was apparently denied even an audition for the Catwoman role in a previous Batman film, and told that she was “too urban.” She actually makes the character three-dimensional, with noble intentions and sympathetic motivations, and a story arc is established for the character that can continue. It’s kind of an origins story for Catwoman here, with the character basically Selina Kyle in a mask. That’s really how it should be done…. 🦊

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8 Comments on “Zoe Kravitz as “Catwoman…””

  1. carycomic Says:

    I agree with your assessment of both the movie, in general, and of Catwoman, in particular. For my metaphorical money, Michelle Pfeiffer is still the best doer of justice (this side of Julie Newmar) to the non-print versions of Gotham City’s favorite anti-heroine. Anne Hathaway gave it the proverbial old college try in THE DARK KNIGHT RISING. But, personally, I still consider her more natural in light comedic roles (such as the mild fairy tale spoof, ELLA). And don’t even get me started on Halle Berry as…Patience Phillips (???)!

    But, Zoe Kravitz’s Catwoman was the only thing I liked about that whole movie.

    Liked by 1 person

    • vulpesffb Says:

      I liked “Riddler” on the Gotham series, and of course, the Frank Gorshin version in its day! I fondly remember Michelle Pfeiffer’s “Catwoman,” too. Batman and Riddler here disappointed me… 😼

      Liked by 1 person

  2. carycomic Says:

    Btw: Racehorse #2, Rich Strike, outfoxed the nay-saying handicappers and won the 2022 Kentucky Derby.

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