Earth Day and The March for Science…


This past weekend brought the convergence of both Earth Day and The March for Science at a less than auspicious time for both science and environmentalism in American history. With protective environmental regulations being rolled back and scientific research and programs likely to face significant budget cuts, it’s time for those of us who are friends of the sciences to stand up and be counted, and push back against regressive and unwise trends in the current Washington administration…you can make a difference!

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4 Comments on “Earth Day and The March for Science…”

  1. carycomic Says:

    I thought the same thing about my vote for Hilary. But, them dang Ruskie hackers ruint everything!*

    *Sorry; had a MOUNTAIN MONSTERS flashback for a second, there.


  2. carycomic Says:

    Btw: we should at least be grateful Trump didn’t reinstall James Watt as Secretary of the Interior. Talk about environmental de-regulation! During the Reagan Presidency, he turned national parks like Yellowstone into arboreal oases (there was so much lumber-jacking and strip mining just outside them)!


    • vulpesffb Says:

      Things just as bad…and worse…may be coming. It’s now legal to shoot hibernating bears in some areas, for example…


      • carycomic Says:

        On the brighter side, they’ve started showing trailers for GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOLUME 2. Including a song by that British all-woman rock group, Girlschool…

        “Fox On The Run.”


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