Chicks and Jaguars Dig It!

– – How do you lure a jaguar?–Well, they seem to really like Calvin Klein’s Obsession for Men.  It also seems to work well for other big cats like cheetahs.

No kidding!  An experiment by the Bronx Zoo in New York found that Obsession for Men drew jaguars for longer than other scents.  The practice made its way down to Guatemala, where biologists report similar success in observing and tracking jaguars in Guatemala’s Maya Biosphere Reserve.  The use of the cologne in conservation programs will be expanded to other Central and South American countries.

I hear, however, that cougars are lured by younger males…

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6 Comments on “Chicks and Jaguars Dig It!”

  1. carycomic Says:

    Yeah! Especially those that _drive_ Jaguars!


  2. carycomic Says:

    Or, doesn’t anyone remember that Beach Boys’ hit: “Little XKE?”


    • carycomic Says:

      “Little XKEEEEEEE…really drives ’em wild!
      Girls that frowned at my pedestrian status?
      Now wink at me and smile!”


  3. carycomic Says:

    See below for details.


  4. carycomic Says:

    OK! See two above for details.


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